Bako National Park

Bako National Park is the most famous National Park in Asia and is the oldest National Park in Sarawak, it is located 37km from Kuching City, Bako National Park is one of the famous places that a tourist visit, if you like nature, don’t miss the opportunity to go to Bako National Park. Bako National Park is a state reserve that is used as a protected area for natural nature, flora and fauna or historical materials. Besides Bako Nasional Park, there also have another National Park that you should visit.

Arriving at Bako National Park, you need to make entrance registration at the counter. The price for entry registration is for Citizens is RM10 and for Non-Citizens is RM20.

How Much the Price Fee using the Boat?

Here we share a picture of the scenery at Jeti Negara Bako, after making registration at the counter, we wait for our turn to board the boat. From Jeti Bako to Bako National Park, you have to take a boat and take about 40 minutes to arrive and it depends on the weather and water level. The price for a bot rental is RM100. To rent a bot, you need to pay to the bot driver while riding the boat, one bot can fit only 6 people, if you are in a crowded group, you must take 2 or more units of boots. While riding a boat, you are provided with a safety jacket including children. Senior citizen are not suitable for Bako National Park.  

How Long is the Journey From Jeti Bako to Bako National Park?

The schedule travel usually tourists will move early in the morning from the hotel to Jeti Bako, I recommend you arrive at Jeti at 9am, if you have arrived at Jeti Bako, you will be provided with a boat to go to Bako National Park, to Bako National Park, you can walk to see the natural of nature. Usually at 1pm or 2pm and it depends on the condition of the sea for us to go back to Jeti Bako. We suggest you bring extra food while go around Bako National Park. There also have a provide a cafe if you want to buy food or drinks and there also have provide toilet too.  

Are There Many Wild Animals?

At Bako National Park, there are many probosis monkeys or called large-nosed Dutch monkeys that only exist in (Borneo), various species of birds and other animals. According to what the boat driver said, you are forbidden to give food to the monkey. What is the best is, the boat guide will guide you and will explain to you the turns while in Bako National Park.

Activities in Bako National Park that you can do are like wandering to see the beauty of nature. There are 16 color-coded forest trails that offer a variety of hiking options. If you are not fond of rugged activities, you can walk in the forest. For those of you who like challenges, you can join the campsite expedition here. However, in Bako National Park, there is a chalet and you can stay here. However, the accomodation is comfortable and recommended for stay there.

So, you should come to Kuching, Sarawak to see for yourself to see the beauty of nature. For environmental lovers, I really recommend to you to come here when you arrive at Kuching, Sarawak. For more information about Bako National Park, you can click here

For those of you who plan to take a vacation to Kuching, Sarawak and want have experience driving around Bako National Park, you can rent a car at Kuching – Ikramtransports Rental Car.

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